I’m sure you have noticed the countdown features on e.g. sport sites showing countdown until a big event. You have probably also seen sites that are not online yet or down for maintenance using a jQuery countdown timer to tell visitors when to come back. This is called a under construction timer or landing page. They can also be used to countdown to a release date of a game, a movie or to a party. Countdown or jQuery timer scripts simply have a lot of useful use cases and the good news is that there are some really good scripts you can use on your site.
In this article you will find most of the useful jQuery countdown scripts available right now. jQuery is also useful in many other areas and in particular jQuery Slider, jQuery carousel and plugins can give a website a face-lift. If I missed some scripts you like then please leave a comment. I’m doing ongoing updates to the article where I add new jQuery countdown timers and check the links and current ratings of the elements I have included. Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). I recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing any product or service. This article is not a guideline, a recommendation or endorsement of specific products.
Article Index
Premium jQuery Countdown Scripts
jCountdown Mega Package
This is a quite new but promising jQuery countdown script. jCountdown is a customizable jQuery countdown plugin, you can use on your site to show a cool and easy to customize countdown timer.You should check the demo page as it is very well set up and allows you to play with all the settings through a easy to use interface.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
JBMarket Circular Countdown
This is one of my favorites as it stands out visually from the rest and most countdown timer we see used at the moment. JBMarket circular countdown is a jQuery countdown timer with cool looking circular design. It is a great way for counting the time left to an event. Comes with 5 ready to use pages and psd file.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Coconut – Jquery Countdown Plugin
This is another must see jQuery countdown script with a circular design. You get a set of backgrounds for the under construction page and a countdown script where you can adjust the colors and sizes of the circular elements. There is also a % status bar feature included.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Countdown / construction page
Easy adaptable countdown, under construction – page. Including manual for easy set-up.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Coming soon landing page
Javascript Under Construction Website Counter!MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Fresh Parallax Under Construction Countdown
fresh Parallax Under Construction upgrades your “Coming Soon” page with a dynamic 3D cloudy sky with your logo or item of choice in focus.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Custom countdown timers style (with css), javascript framework indipendent, no coding knowledge need for basic usage, simple themes for countdown timers already included.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Live Brodcast Countdown Module
Nice jQuery based countdown timer. Header text depending on countdown stateus (counting down or finished). A lot of options available. Upon time expiration the module will display the expiration message for the amount of time set in back-end. When this time reaches its limit the module will restart the countdown until next event.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
6in1 Countdowns Pack
Countdown with Dynamic Progress Bar 6in1 PackMORE INFO / DEMO from Mojo Code (premium script)
Easy Countdown
MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Included are 14 different skins to choose from and a template file (png format) to make your own.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Broadcast Countdown Widget
Nice widget for WordPress making it easy to add professional´ly looking countdown timer to a WordPress based site.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
JavaScript Animated Counter
Simple, animated JavaScript counter, which will allow You to present rapidly increased or decreased values, such as number of registered users, total income etc. But that’s not all… this counter can be also used as a text or date & time displayer or as a clock. It can be also used as a countdown, to show time left for the beginning of a product release campaign or a sale start.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Fancy Countdown – jQuery plugin
Fancy Countdown is a highly customizable jQuery plugin that lets you create an outstanding countdown. It´s very easy to use. You can set an own target date with a timezone. The plugin comes with an extensive API.MORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
FlipTimer 1.2 with 8 color themes ready made and a beautiful template with working contact form includedMORE INFO / DEMO from CodeCanyon (premium script)
Free jQuery Countdown Scripts
jQuery Countdown
This is a jQuery plugin that sets a div or span to show a countdown to a given time. There are tons of options available and everything is supported by good examples and code snippets.MORE INFO (Free Script)
jQuery Plugin – KK Countdown
KK countdown is a jQuery countdown plugin that counts down to specific dates in the future.MORE INFO / DEMO – by Krzysztof Furtak (Free Script)
littlewebthings CountDown
This is an Easy to use animated countdown JavaScript. It is jQuery compatible and easily skinableMORE INFO / DEMO – by LittleWebThings (Free Script)
jQuery Countdown plugin that doesn’t sucks!
Countdown timer jQuery Plugin
A simple jQuery Plugin that countdowns how long it is from a date. Very easy to use and a good download package with everything needed to get started.MORE INFO (Free Script)
jQuery CountDown Plugin
This script allows you to create a rapidshare.com like countdown and to animate the CSS font-size of each second and present a reward at the end.MORE INFO (Free Script)
How can I make a jQuery countdown
This is a really simple script, but it is a countdown script…MORE INFO (Free Script)
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